Like every year, WFEO Past President Eng. Jorge Spitalnik and Executive Vice president and Chair of the WFEO-UN Relations Committee (WURC) Eng. Reginald Vachon attended the 62nd International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference in Vienna, Austria, 17-21 September 2018.
They represented WFEO, an IAEA certified NGO Observer, at the debates and attended the technical program sessions Nuclear Technology for Climate: Mitigation, Monitoring and Adaptation, that can be viewed in this link.
Ms. Hillary Diane Andales, a high school student winner of the 2017 Junior Breakthrough Challenge Prize, gave an impressive speech with her plea on how nuclear technology can help tackle climate change.
For more information:
Nuclear Technology for Climate Change webpage
Videos on the Nuclear Technology for Climate sessions
United Nations – WFEO-UN Relations Committee (WURC) webpage
The Nuclear For Climate Declaration