News & Reports

WFEO-YEFL Webinar “Engineering the Future” No. 2 Climate Action

The WFEO Committee on Young Engineers / Future Leaders organised the second webinar of its serie Engineering the Future #2 Climate action on 12 October 2020.

Speakers, representing different levers – engineering, technology, finance, governance, collective action – discussed the key challenges, opportunities and the role of new technologies, innovative engineering in reaching climate neutrality. Aim was to share the knowledge and inspire young engineers from Africa, Americas, Middle East, Asia / Pacific, Europe to proactively contribute to the SDG 13 Climate Action.

This series of webinars seek to highlight the role of engineering design and systems-based approaches in risks identification, mitigation, and reduction, as well as recovery. It will highlight the key challenges to address and opportunities for better engineering systems across multiple sectors.


This webinar followed UN SDG 13 and the WFEO Declaration on Climate Emergency, in particular Section 3: “Strive for an engineering community where a diverse and inclusive membership can work collaboratively towards innovative climate mitigation strategies, engaging women and young engineers in particular to combat climate change.”

The recording is available by clicking on the below image

Moderator: Milda Pladaitė, WFEO YE/FL member.



For more information:

Video recording of the WFEO-YEFL Webinar ‘Engineering the Future’ #2 Climate Action

WFEO-YEFL Webinar “Engineering the Future” #1 Resilience and Sustainability for Young Engineers

WFEO Committee on Young Engineers / Future Leaders website

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