Carbon Footprints (CF, Online ISSN: 2831-932X,, Twitter) is an international open-access journal dedicated to publishing all aspects of the knowledge on the emissions of not only all greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, etc.) but also low-carbon energy transformation and air pollutants, climate change during a given period produced directly or indirectly to support human activities. The full Aims and Scope could be access from

Editor-in-Chief: Yong Geng (Chair Professor, Dean at the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China; Clarivate’s Global most Highly Cited Researcher since 2019; Lead author of the IPCC 5th and 6th Assessment Report; Chief Scientist of WFEO-CEE).

On Board Editors: 48 members from:

  • McGill University (Canada),
  • Tsinghua University (China),
  • Peking University (China),
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China),
  • Xi’an Jiao Tong University (China),
  • University of Birmingham (UK),
  • Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong, SAR of China),
  • City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, SAR of China),
  • University College London (UK),
  • University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (USA),
  • Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden),
  • Wageningen University (Netherlands),
  • University of Florida (USA), etc.

The full Editorial Board team could be access from

Membership: COPE

Partnership: ResearchGate

Contact the Editorial Office: carbonfootprin (without the space)

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