News & Reports

Signing of the renewed Framework Agreement between WFEO and UNESCO

I was at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on Friday 28th June 2024 to sign the Framework Agreement between WFEO and UNESCO after the expiration of the previous Agreement in May this year. The UNESCO Director for Natural Sciences Sector Division of Science Policy and Capacity Building Hu Shaofeng, Engr. Mukhtar Zakari, WFEO Executive Vice President Ms. Ania Lopez, Member of the Executive Council Dr. Nahla Al-Qassimi and Executive Director Mr. Jacques de Méreuil were present during the signing. While I signed the Agreement on behalf of WFEO, Dr. Lidia Brito, the Assistant Director-General (ADG) for Natural Sciences signed on behalf of UNESCO. The Agreement will expire in March 2032.

The aim of the Agreement is for the two parties to agree, through joint and concerted cooperation, to carry out a mutually benefitting program of activities to achieve their common strategic objectives.

WFEO President Mustafa Shehu and UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences signing the UNESCO Framework Agreement.
The ADG used the opportunity to inform us about the Strategic Plan for the Implementation of the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (IDSSD) and that WFEO is selected as one of the strategic partners to UNESCO in the implementation of the plan by nominating us as a member of the Executive Committee. Other members of the Executive Committee are UNESCO, International Science Council, Earth Humanity Coalition, 6 Member States (each representing an electoral group) and 5 other UN agencies.

From left to right: Hu Shaofeng, Ania Lopez, Mustafa Shehu, Dr. Lidia Brito, Dr. Nahla Al-Qassimi, Jacques de Mereuil and Mukhtar Zakari
On my part, I briefed the ADG on the preparation for the 2025 edition of the World Engineering Day as we plan to have it in Paris at the UNESCO Headquarters and we need their support to get high profile attendance at the event. Furthermore, we gave a suggestion for the Theme of the event for their consideration. I also used the opportunity to brief her of some developments at WFEO regarding the Engineering Capacity Building for Africa Programme, the WFEO Academy and the strides we are achieving in getting some WFEO member organizations to go through the International Engineering Alliance (IEA) Accreditation system, as Institution of Engineers Mauritius which achieved Provisional Signatory status of the Washington Accord this year.

The ceremony ended successfully and happily around 11.00am with the presentation of a WFEO plaque to the ADG to commemorate the event.

Mustafa Shehu offers Lidia Brito the WFEO plaque to commemorate the event
Report by WFEO President Mustafa Shehu.
For more information:

UNESCO website

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