News & Reports

WFEO Committee for Education in Engineering successfully hosts Annual International Conference on Engineering Education Accreditation (ICEEA) 2024

The Myanmar Engineering Council, host of the WFEO Committee on Education in Engineering (CEIE), successfully hosted the Annual International Conference on Engineering Education Accreditation (ICEEA) 2024, on 23 and 24 July 2024.

The conference was held virtually and had the theme “Engineering Education for better Engineering Solutions towards a Sustainable World”.

ICEEA 2024 Keynote speakers: Dr Marlene Kanga, WFEO Past President, The Honourable Prof Dr Charlie Than Union Minister, Minister for Industry, Past President Myanmar Engineering Council, Mr Tin Latt, Adviser, Myanmar Engineering Council, Mr Fred Monsada, President Philippine Technological Council
The conference featured leading speakers and attendees from 28 countries and featured the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in engineering education. It brought together scholars and experts from regional and international spheres to share experience insights and perspectives and best practices, especially in incorporating the UN Sustainable Development Goals into the engineering curriculum.
Two WFEO National members presented their journey to signatory status of the International Alliance:

  • Mr Fred Monsada, President, Philippine Technological Council, presented their journey to full signatory status of the IEA, achieved in June 2024
  • Mr Raj Prayag, Vice President, Institution of Engineers Mauritius, presented their journey to provisional signatory status of the IEA, achieved in June 2024, as a result of a support project from the Myanmar Engineering Council Committee for Education in Engineering.


Speakers presenting at ICEEA 2024

WFEO National Member, the Philippines, Philippine Technological Council (PTC), Journey to full Signatory Status of the International Engineering Alliance, June 2024, presented by PTC President Mr Fred Monsada, ICEEA 2024, July 2024
Presentations from the event will be published in the IDEAS Journal 2024, to be released in October 2024.
10 presentations are uploaded on the WFEO Academy portal for the information and training of interested WFEO members.

The recordings of the presentations from the two days can be found in the following links:

Article by Dr Marlene Kanga AO FTSE FREng, Former WFEO President (2017-2019)

Prof Dr Charlie Than, Union Minister, Minister for Industry, Patron Myanmar Engineering Council, makes the opening address at ICEEA 2024, 23 July 2024


Attendees at ICEEA 2023, 23 July 2024, Yangon, Myanmar
For more information:

ICEEA 2024 Booklet

Philippine Technological Council website

Institution of Engineers Mauritius website

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