Event Report

WFEO-CIC Webinar on “Green technologies: precursor for transition to smart sustainable cities”

An International Webinar on the topic “Green Technologies: Precursor for transition to Smart Sustainable Cities” was organized under the aegis of the WFEO Committee on Information and Communication (CIC) on 22 February 2022.

The International webinar was hosted by The Institution of Engineers (India) in association with The Continue Reading →


IAEA Seal of Resilience for important Facilities and Infrastructure

The International Association of Engineering and Architecture (IAEA), an Associate of WFEO, has developed a systematic procedure that allows assessing safety and resilience considering governance, health, safe environment, cybersecurity, maritime and land services.

The seal certifies those who have demonstrated compliance with functional, structural and dimensional measures. It can be used by cities, ports, ...

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WFEO YEFL Webinar “Build Back Wiser – Engineering the Future: An Inspiring and Collective Young Engineering Vision”

The WFEO Committee on Young Engineers / Future Leaders organized the webinar series Build Back Wiser – Engineering the Future: An Inspiring and Collective Young Engineering Vision last 15 February 2022.

The World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development was proclaimed by UNESCO at its 40th General Conference in ...

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IFEES, GEDC and WEEF Conference on Diversity and Ethics in Education for an Inclusive and Sustainable World

The International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES) and Global Engineering Deans Council (GEDC) hosted their annual WEEF (World Engineering Education Forum) integrating Academia, Industry, Social Institutions, Associations and Students, in Madrid from 15 to 18 November 2021. The Forum theme was “Diversity and Ethics in Education for an Inclusive and Sustainable World”.

IFEES and GEDC are ...

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Institution of Engineers Kenya Hosts 28th IEK Annual International Conference

The Institution of Engineers Kenya (IEK), the national WFEO member from Kenya, hosted the 28th International Conference in Mombasa, Kenya, from 8 to 11 November 2021. The Conference theme was “Engineers Accelerating Sustainable Economic Recovery”. The Engineers Board of Kenya was a co-host of this important event.

The importance ...

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ICACIT Symposium on Engineering Education

The International Accrediting Agency Specialized in Engineering, Computing and Technology Programs of Peru (ICACIT) hosted the 7th International Symposium on Accreditation of Engineering and Computing Education – Symposium ICACIT 2021 on 4-5 November 2021 in virtual format.

ICACIT is the first Latin American agency to sign the International Engineering Alliance Washington Accord and the Lima Accord. It is also ...

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