Event Report

WFEO participation in the UN Session of STI Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs

The third annual Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum) met June 5-6 2018 at the UN Headquarters in New-York in New York.

Members of WFEO UN Relations Committee (WURC) participated in the STI Forum with the side event “Systems Analysis and Capacity Building for Transformative Change toward Achieving the SDGs and long-term sustainability”, ...

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ISTIC 10th Anniversary celebration and International Conference on Climate Change Education: address the UN Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 13 – Education and Climate Change

ISTIC 10th Anniversary celebration and International Conference on Climate Change Education

The International Science Technology and Innovation Center (ISTIC), a UNESCO Category 2 Center celebrated its 10th anniversary with a conference on Sustainable Development Practices in Climate Change Education in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7-8 May 2018.

ISTIC is a partner of the World Federation of Engineering Organisations ...

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SPEA Symposium on Sustainable Infrastructure Successful Economy and celebrating WFEO 50th Anniversary: addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goal 11

SPEA Symposium on Sustainable Infrastructure Successful Economy

The South Pacific Engineers Association (SPEA) held its inaugural SPEA Symposium on “Sustainable Infrastructure Successful Economy” on 23rd April 2018. The event was supported by the Government of Fiji with attendance by the President of Fiji and members of Parliament, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, University of the ...

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ECOSOC Partnership Forum 2018

ECOSOC Partnership Forum

The 2018 session of the UN Economic and Social (ECOSOC) Partnership Forum, organized 4 April 2018 at the UN Headquarters in New York city, took place under the theme “Partnerships for promoting opportunities, increased prosperity and sustainable development for all” and discussed SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure) and the role of partnerships.

This year, the focus was on how the private ...

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WFEO at the UN CSW62

WFEO at the UN CSW62

1. General

The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s rights. CSW established from 1946. Its mandate was to “prepare recommendations and reports to the Economic and Social Council on promoting women’s rights in political, economic, civil, social and educational fields” and to make recommendations “on urgent problems requiring ...

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International Women’s Day and WIE 10th Anniversary Celebration

International Women’s Day and WIE 10th Anniversary Celebration
The WFEO Committee for Women in Engineering (WIE) joined the world community in collaboration with UNESCO to celebrate the 2018 International Women’s Day in Paris, France.

The high point of the event which was held on March 9, 2018, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris was the ...

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WFEO 50th Anniversary celebrations at Ordem dos Engenheiros (OdE)

Dr Marlene Kanga and Ordem dos Engenheiros President Carlos Mineiro Aires during the symposium

Dr Marlene Kanga and Ordem dos Engenheiros President Carlos Mineiro Aires during the symposium

The WFEO National member of Portugal, Ordem dos Engenheiros (OdE), celebrated the WFEO 50th Anniversary with a Symposium on “The Portuguese Engineer in the world context”, ...

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