Event Report

8th China Cloud Computing Conference (CCCC2016) co-organized by WFEO-CEIT

8th China Cloud Computing Conference CCCC2016 co-organized by WFEO-CEIT

The 8th China Cloud Computing Conference (CCCC2016) was held from May 18th to May 20th, 2016 at Beijing China National Convention Center and attracted an audience of 5000. The WFEO Standing Technical Committee on Engineering for Innovative Technology (WFEO-CEIT) co-organized CCCC2016 with the Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE).

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Jorge Spitalnik’s visit to China


In April 2016, WFEO President Mr.Jorge Spitalnik visited China. During his 11-days stay in China, Jorge participated in the 20th Pacific nuclear meeting, visited and met with the Chinese academy of engineering (CAE), China association for science and technology (CAST), China Society for Hydropower Engineering (CSHE), Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (CSEE), WFEO-CEIT Beijing office, Jiangsu Institution of ...

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UNESCO WFEO COP-21 Summit article in Engineers Australia


See below an article on UNESCO WFEO COP-21 Summit held in Paris in December 2015 as written by Darrel Danyluk (Past President of Engineers Canada and Past-Chair of the WFEO Committee on Engineering and the Environment) and published in Engineers Australia magazine in February 2016.


Engineers will help turn COP 21 Agreement into Action

On Saturday December 12th, 2015 the global community came together in Paris and agreed ...

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Marwan Abdelhamid’s visit to China


Between May 8th and 13th in Beijing, WFEO President Marwan Abdelhamid attended meetings with the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the WFEO-CHINA working meeting, the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) the Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE)

On May 8th, 2015, President Marwan Abdelhamid, met with Prof. Zhang Qin, vice president of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)

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WFEO Participation at the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan

WFEO Participation at the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan

Engineer Prof. Toshimitsu Komatsu, the chair of the World Federation of Engineering Organisation’s Committee of Disaster Risk Management, took part in the conference (14-18 March 2015) to stress the importance of engineering in preparations for disasters. He represented WFEO in sessions on multiple ...

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