
IDEAS Engineering Education Journal number 21

IDEAS, the Engineering Education Journal No. 21 of the WFEO Committee on Education In Engineering (CEIE), has been republished, thanks to the Myanmar Engineering Council, a WFEO National Member.

IDEAS Journal 21 is based onon articles from speakers amongst international academic experts at the international ICEEA 2022 and ICEEA 2023 conference. This issue of ...

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WFEO-YEFL & YEA webinar – Psychological Safety in the Workplace

WFEO Committee on Young Engineers / Future Leaders (WFEO-YEFL) and Young Engineers Australia (YEA) organized the webinar “Psychological Safety in the Workplace” on 20 November 2022.

Psychological safety has become increasingly popular due to its relevance to agility, diversity, inclusion and remote working, especially since the pandemic.

Psychological safety is a belief that you ...

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“Engineering plays a key role in economic, social, and environmental dimensions of UNSDGs” – Prof GONG Ke

In an exclusive interview, the World Federation of Engineering Organizations’ (WFEO) immediate past president Prof. Dr. GONG Ke discusses the value of engineering in global development, its role in achieving UNSDGs, and WFEO’s successful partnership with World Geospatial Industry Council (WGIC).


WGIC: Prof GONG Ke, thank you for speaking with ...

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Report on the 3rd World Science and Technology Development Forum

The 3rd World Science and Technology Development Forum (WSTDF2021), themed on “Openness, trust and cooperation”, was successfully held both on site in Beijing and online, from 6 to 7 November 2021.

The forum was sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the Chinese Academy of Sciences ...

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Increasing the participation of women in the climate change debate, including as leaders, is essential for a carbon-zero future

See below an article from Marlene Kanga published on 19th October on the International Science Council (ISC) website, on the eve of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26).
This article is part of the ISC’s new series, Transform21, which will explore the state of knowledge and action, ...

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Massive Open On-Line Course – Sustainability in Practice – Seventh Delivery

The massive open online course is offered in both English and French and uses real-life case studies from across Canada to demonstrate the practical application of WFEO’s 10 principles of sustainable development and environmental stewardship for engineers.

The course is completed entirely online and can be completed at each participant’s own pace. After all six previous editions of the course, an overwhelming majority of participants have attested to the high quality of the training content and agreed ...

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WFEO OCE Climate Change Education Workshop

Mauritius hosts world class climate change education for primary and secondary schools

A Partnership Project between UNESCO, WFEO, NEA, OCE, MIE and IEM

UNESCO, the World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO), the Office of Climate Change Education (OCE), the National Environment Agency Singapore (NEA), the Continue Reading →


ISO publishes new handbook with guidance on ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems

A new handbook entitled ISO 37001:2016 – Anti-bribery management systems – A practical guide has been published to assist users of the standard by giving more in-depth guidance and advice about bribery and the measures they can take to eradicate it.

The handbook features examples and advice on how the requirements can be met, supported by ...

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