WFEO is actively invested in the fulfillment of the SDGs through multiple actions undertaken by our members, Committees and Working Groups since several years.
The work of CE is related to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
For more information:
WFEO Committee on Energy webinar “Elecricity Access Gaps and Policy Recommendations”
WFEO participation at the United Nations Industrial Development Board
UNESCO Renewable Energy Webinar moderated by Dr Marlene Kanga
WFEO Webinar on Climate Change
WFEO Committee on Energy Statement on Energy and Climate Change” / Version française / Versión española
WFEO Committee on Energy symposium: Energy transition and Covid-19 crisis: the role of engineers
Engineering Leaders Podcasts – Affordable and clean energy with Ania Lopez
WFEO participation in the 63rd IAEA General Conference
WFEO participation in the 62nd IAEA General Conference
The World Council of Civil Engineers (WCCE) monography “Water & Energy”
Report of the Global SDG 7 Conference on Energy
Pradeep Chaturvedi presentation “Energy, Jobs and Sustainable Societies”
Report on EXPO 2017 Astana, Kazakhstan
WFEO participation at the World Scientific and Engineering Congress – WSEC 2017
World Future Energy Forum (WFEF) 2016 successfully held in Beijing
Carsten Ahrens’s Study on Solar Energy
Jorge Spitalnik’s visit to China
Energy Internet – December 2016
Energy Internet, an Effective Way Toward Sustainable Future – 2015
The Nuclear For Climate Declaration
Nuclear Power Feasibility Report – Revision 2 – 2015