The WFEO Committee on Disaster Risk Management (CDRM) and the Peruvian Engineers Association (CIP) are pleased to invite you to the international webinar “Engineering contributions for Managing the next pandemics that will be held on 18 December 2020.
Large-scale epidemics and pandemics have affected humankind along its history. Their study mainly by biologists and medical doctors has resulted in the progressive accumulation of a large amount of scientific knowledge and right therapeutic practices. Nonetheless, we have not
been able to avoid the enormous loss of lives and economic disruption that qualify the ongoing Covid-19 pandemics as a global disaster.
Dealing with other natural phenomena, as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes or floods, we have learnt that disasters can be avoided through defined processes that include the risk reduction and a strong preparedness that ensure an effective response when the event occurs. The same processes can be applied to manage the risk of future pandemics. Science and technology provide adequate knowledge and diverse tools to contribute to the task.
The WFEO Committee on Disaster Risk Management organizes this webinar to present and discuss on:
- Overview of the global organization of early warning for pandemics,
- The near-real time (big) data management and information as support to decision-making, and
- Emergency health centers quick building systems.