Mustafa B. Shehu

Mustafa B. Shehu was President of the Nigerian Society of Engineers 2012-2013 and President of the Federation of African Engineering Organizations (FAEO) from 2015 to 2016.

He studied electrical engineering in Nigeria and started his career with the 1,320MW Lagos Thermal Power Station Egbin. He was appointed to the Kano State Rural Electricity Board as a Senior Engineer, where he rose to the position of Assistant Director in 1998, following which he established with colleagues, MBS Engineering Limited. The company has expertise in electrical and mechanical engineering services, power engineering as well as Oil and Gas engineering.

Mustafa participates actively in the activities of professional and business associations. He is a fellow of the Nigerian Society of Engineers as well as Fellow of the Solar Energy Society of Nigeria.

Mustafa was elected to the position of President-Elect at the Federation’s General Assembly in San José, Costa Rica in March 2022 and became President at the General Assembly in Prague on 14 October 2023.

WFEO Past Presidents

(28.01.1897 to 3.09.1995), Electrical engineer graduated from the school of engineering of the University of Lausanne, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Geneva Tram Company and President of the Swiss Association for Atomic Energy.
Switzerland 1968-1974
(22.07.1932 to 18.11.2011), Civil Engineer graduated from the Sorbonne, Paris; CEO of major companies in Tunisia; founder of Bank of the South; National Union of Tunisian Engineers (President 1970-1977 and 1979-1990); Founder of the Council of the Order of Engineers 1981; President (1981-1989); President Union of Arab Engineers; Member of UN Advisory Council for Science & Technology (1980-1987).
Tunisia 1975-1987
(06.08.1913 to 07.02.2003) Founder and Director of the Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences 1965-1990, Chairman USSR Union of Scientific and Engineering Societies, Deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
Russia 1987-1991
(23.11.1923 to 23.02.2023), Civil engineer; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Montgomery-Watson, Pasadena, CA which became MWH Global in 2001; President of ASCE in 1989.
USA 1991-1995
Conrado BAUER
(08.01.1927 to 27.07.2023), Civil hydraulic engineer from Argentina who held the position of Minister of Social Welfare of his country from 1968 to 1969 and the position of Minister of Public Works and Services from 1982 to 1983. He was a member of the Academia Nacional de Ingenieros de la República Argentina.
Argentina 1995-1999
(13.08.1927 to 27.01.2015), Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at the Polytechnic of Madrid, Founding President of World Council of Civil Engineers, involvement in engineering institutions in Spain, European Council of Civil Engineers, UPADI, Member of Advisory Council of Global Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Centre, Founder of WFEO Committee for Anti-Corruption.
Spain 1999-2003
Dato Lee Yee CHEONG
Electrical Engineer, Founder and CEO Tenaga Ewbank Reece Consulting, Past President of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Commonwealth Engineers Council, Board Director and Government advisor of science and engineering issues, member of Board of Engineers Malaysia, member of the UN Broadband Commission and other consultative bodies related to the UN.
Malaysia 2003-2005
Founding Chair of the WFEO Committee for Anti-Corruption, Past President of the Tunisian Order of Engineers. He has served as a Secretary of State in the Tunisian government from 2004 to 2006 and as President of the Tunisian National Regulatory Authority of Telecommunications from 2001 to 2004. Minister of Public Service, Governance in 2016, President of the High Administrative and Financial Control Committee with the rank of Minister, 2017 onwards.
Tunisia 2005-2007
Electrical engineer, Past President of Engineers Australia in 1997-1998, member WFEO Engineering Education Committee, driving the recognition of qualifications internationally.
Australia 2007-2009
Telecommunications engineer, first woman to be President of WFEO. She is a Past President of the Institute of Engineering of Spain (2000-2004), former Director General of SISTELCOM Consortium SA, Director General of Telefonica Sistemas, Deputy President of Union Fenosa Inversiones and President-DG of the Instituto Nacional de Meteorología, an Agency of the Spanish Ministry for the Environment.
Spain 2009-2011
State Minister for National Assembly Affairs since 2014, Director of M.A. Kharafi and Sons, a global conglomerate of companies in a wide range of engineering sectors based in Kuwait.
Kuwait 2011-2013
Civil engineer; General Secretary of the General Union of Palestinian Engineers (GUPE) in Palestine; President, Federation of Arab Engineers 1987-1989. He was Advisor to the Algerian Minister of Housing, Member of the Council of Arab Ministers representing Palestine, permanent representative of Palestine in the United Nations Organization for Human Settlements, Technical Advisor to late President Arafat, Deputy Minister of Housing in the Palestinian Authority, Ambassador of Palestine to Greece, Technical Advisor to President Abbas, and President of Palestine Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Palestine 2013-2015
Nuclear power and mechanical engineer, Executive Director of UPADI (Pan American Union of Engineers), Member of the Executive Council of the Brazilian Federation of Engineering Associations (FEBRAE) (2003-2011), Former Chair WFEO Standing Energy Committee. Former Chair WFEO-UN Relations Committee, various leadership positions on professional technical associations of the nuclear industry.
Brazil 2015-2017
Marlene KANGA
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Australia 2017-2019
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China 2019-2021
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Portugal 2021-2023

WFEO President Elect

Seng Chuan TAN
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