International Forum on Engineering Education 2020

The 2nd International Forum on Engineering Education co-organized by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the UNESCO Category 2 Centre, the International Centre for Engineering Education (ICEE), Tsinghua University, was held between 2 and 4 December 2020.

The Forum had the theme of “Environment and Sustainable Development“, and included presentations and ...

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Philippine Technological Council ACE 2020

The Philippine Technological Council (PTC) and the Accreditation and Certification Board for Engineering & Technology (PTC-ACBET) organized the ACE2020: International Accreditation Conference in Engineering, as an online event between 16 and 19 November 2020.

The main theme was “Accreditation and QA: Leading Transformations Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Development”.

The Philippine Technological Council is the umbrella ...

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Institution of Engineers Kenya Conference

The Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK) in collaboration with the Engineers Board of Kenya organised it annual conference between 24 and 27 November 2020 in Mombasa. The event was supported by UNESCO, the World Federation of Engineering Organisations and the Federation of ...

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World Conference on Science Literacy 2020

The World Conference on Science Literacy 2020 was successfully held on 8 December 2020 in Beijing, with the theme “Improve Public Science Literacy, Promote Global Anti-pandemic Effort”.

The conference is organised by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and supported by WFEO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), ...

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Statement on International Anti Corruption Day by Papias Kazawadi, Chair of WFEO Committee on Anti Corruption

Esteemed members and the community at large,

Today is International Anti-Corruption Day, an important event on our calendar. We are marking it under our 2020 theme which is, “Enhanced collaborations between local, regional and international Anti-Corruption players for Sustainable Partnership.”

In making this statement, I acknowledge the unprecedented impact on economic and societal systems brought about by the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic. ...

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WFEO YEFL Webinar series “Engineering the Future” No3 – Volunteering for the Future

The WFEO Committee on Young Engineers / Future Leaders organised the third webinar of its serie Engineering the Future #3 Volunteering for the Future on 8 December 2020.

Engineers have a unique skill-set which can be valuable in a range of different areas. This session shared the experiences of young engineers who ...

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Podcast of Dr Marlene Kanga on lifting STEM expertise across the board

In Board Level, the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) podcast ‘Women in Focus’, award-winning journalist Catherine Fox speaks to leading female directors about their journey to the boardroom and the ‘one thing they wish they’d known’.

Through a launching each week in October ...

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FEIAP-WFEO-FAEO Jointly Host Conference on Engineering Education

The Joint Conference of the Federation of Engineering Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP), WFEO and the Federation of African Engineering Organizations (FAEO) on Engineering Education Accreditation System and Capacity Buildings was successfully held on 7 November 2020, simultaneously online and offline at the Northwestern Polytechnical ...

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