WFEO at the UN CSW62

WFEO at the UN CSW62

1. General

The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s rights. CSW established from 1946. Its mandate was to “prepare recommendations and reports to the Economic and Social Council on promoting women’s rights in political, economic, civil, social and educational fields” and to make recommendations “on urgent problems requiring ...

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International Women’s Day and WIE 10th Anniversary Celebration

International Women’s Day and WIE 10th Anniversary Celebration
The WFEO Committee for Women in Engineering (WIE) joined the world community in collaboration with UNESCO to celebrate the 2018 International Women’s Day in Paris, France.

The high point of the event which was held on March 9, 2018, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris was the ...

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WFEO 50th Anniversary celebrations at Ordem dos Engenheiros (OdE)

Dr Marlene Kanga and Ordem dos Engenheiros President Carlos Mineiro Aires during the symposium

Dr Marlene Kanga and Ordem dos Engenheiros President Carlos Mineiro Aires during the symposium

The WFEO National member of Portugal, Ordem dos Engenheiros (OdE), celebrated the WFEO 50th Anniversary with a Symposium on “The Portuguese Engineer in the world context”, ...

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WFEO 50th Anniversary celebrations at Instituto de la Ingenieria de España (IIE)

Signing of the Water Declaration: 'Water – The Future we Want'

Signing of the Water Declaration: “Water – The Future we Want”


The WFEO National member of Spain, Instituto de la Ingenieria de España (IIE), celebrated the WFEO 50th Anniversary with a Symposium on “Engineering challenges: Our contribution to the accomplishment of UN’s SDG 6 – ...

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The World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2017-2018

World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2017-2018

On 31 January, the World Justice Project (WJP) released the 2017-2018 WJP Rule of Law Index which measures rule of law adherence in 113 countries worldwide based on more than 110,000 household and 3,000 expert surveys. Featuring primary data, the WJP Rule of Law Index measures countries’ rule of law ...

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Report of the Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum

The ninth session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9) took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 7 to 13 February 2018, on the theme “Cities 2030 – Cities For All: Implementing the New Urban Agenda”. WUF9 was the first Forum to convene since the adoption of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) at the Habitat III conference in Quito, Ecuador, in ...

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WFEO presence at FIDIC Annual International Infrastructure Conference

WFEO presence at FIDIC Annual International Infrastructure Conference

President Elect Dr. Marlene Kanga was a keynote speaker at the FIDIC 2017 Annual International Infrastructure Conference which was held in Jakarta from 1-3 Oct 2017.

Dr. Kanga was part of a panel of speakers on “Resilient Infrastructure – What Constitutes Resilience” at the opening plenary session of the conference. The session was ...

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Report of UNESCO Engineering Report II Kick-Off Meeting

Report of UNESCO Engineering Report II Kick-Off Meeting

1. Overview

Last 26 and 27 September 2017, the UNESCO Engineering Report II Kick-Off Meeting was held in Beijing, China.

This meeting was organized by UNESCO and hosted by the International Centre for Engineering Education (ICEE) in Beijing. 32 formal participants came from UNESCO, ICEE, Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), WFEO, International Federation of ...

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