Posts Tagged 'Cloud Computing'

ICT to Industry 4.0, the Journey thus far, and the Road Ahead

ICT to Industry 4.0 by the WFEO Committee on Information and Communication

See below the article “ICT to Industry 4.0, the Journey thus far, and the Road Ahead” from the TIP (Technology Innovation Productization) Magazine, a publication jointly issued by WFEO Committee on Information and Communication (WFEO-CIC) and the Indian Technology Congress.



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World Intelligence Congress (WIC2017), supported by WFEO-CEIT, was successfully held in Tianjin, China

World Intelligence Congress - WIC 2017 supported by WFEO-CEIT

Representatives of international organizations (WFEO, UNESCO, etc.), renowned research institutions (Oxford University, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Stanford University, etc.), enterprises (Google, Baidu, Alibaba, IBM, Microsoft, etc.) and academies from China and the rest of the ...

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8th China Cloud Computing Conference (CCCC2016) co-organized by WFEO-CEIT

8th China Cloud Computing Conference CCCC2016 co-organized by WFEO-CEIT

The 8th China Cloud Computing Conference (CCCC2016) was held from May 18th to May 20th, 2016 at Beijing China National Convention Center and attracted an audience of 5000. The WFEO Standing Technical Committee on Engineering for Innovative Technology (WFEO-CEIT) co-organized CCCC2016 with the Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE).

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