Posts Tagged 'COVID-19'

WFEO position to the build-back-better call for arms

There is an increasing pressure, need and opportunity to shape an economic recovery from COVID-19 which will be based on climate-related actions.

According to the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the recovery must respect the rights of future generations, enhancing climate action aiming at carbon neutrality by 2050 and protecting biodiversity. “We will need to ‘build-back-better’ and maintain ...

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The Value of Engineering in Critical Times

Coronavirus has confronted us with innumerable challenges. Some of them were already on the plate and are now urgent objectives to achieve. The lack of engineers, for instance, is a reality and weighs more heavily in times of crisis.

The current health crisis has raised many questions in the public and political sphere of the society on the ways to deal with ...

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COVID-19 – Message from WFEO President Dr Gong Ke

To all members of WFEO.

The human community is facing an extraordinary challenge with the outbreak of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). The Covid-19 disease is progressing rapidly, more than 175 countries and territories impacted, with more than 750,000 confirmed cases by March 30, and 36,000 deaths.

These are difficult times for everyone as individuals, with families and friends being victims of thevirus, ...

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