Posts Tagged 'Disaster Risk Management'

WFEO presence at FIDIC Annual International Infrastructure Conference

WFEO presence at FIDIC Annual International Infrastructure Conference

President Elect Dr. Marlene Kanga was a keynote speaker at the FIDIC 2017 Annual International Infrastructure Conference which was held in Jakarta from 1-3 Oct 2017.

Dr. Kanga was part of a panel of speakers on “Resilient Infrastructure – What Constitutes Resilience” at the opening plenary session of the conference. The session was ...

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11th joint International Symposium on Disaster Risk Management in Fukuoka, Japan

The 11th Joint International Symposium on Disaster Risk Management

The joint international symposium on Disaster Risk Management (DRM) was held on September 13, 2017, in Kyushu University, Fukuoka (Japan) in collaboration with the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), Japan Federation of Engineering Societies (JFES), and the WFEO Standing Technical Committee on Disaster ...

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WFEO holds a side event at the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference in May 2017

WFEO holds a side event at the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference in May 2017

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiation meetings took place in Bonn, Germany, from 8 to 18 May 2017.

At this occasion, Darrel Danyluk, leader of the Climate Change Adaptation theme for the WFEO Committee on Engineering and ...

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Report of the 4th World Landslide Forum 2017

The 4th World Landslide Forum 2017

The 4th World Landslide Forum was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia from May 30th to June 2nd, 2017, with over 600 active participants from 51 countries – scientists, engineers, researchers, experts, politicians and other decision makers working in the area of landslide risk reduction. Among them, there were over 120 graduate students from Slovenia and other ...

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WFEO International Member FEIAP progresses UN Sustainable Development Goals for education, infrastructure and sustainable cities


The Federation of Engineering Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP) held its annual General Assembly in Perth in July 2016. FEIAP is an international member of WFEO with members from mainly the Asia and Pacific region. This was the first time that the General Assembly has been held in Australia, from 6 to 9 July. FEIAP standing technical committees in education, environment, disaster risk management and information technology ...

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WFEO Participation at the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan

WFEO Participation at the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan

Engineer Prof. Toshimitsu Komatsu, the chair of the World Federation of Engineering Organisation’s Committee of Disaster Risk Management, took part in the conference (14-18 March 2015) to stress the importance of engineering in preparations for disasters. He represented WFEO in sessions on multiple ...

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