Posts Tagged 'Earthquake'

11th joint International Symposium on Disaster Risk Management in Fukuoka, Japan

The 11th Joint International Symposium on Disaster Risk Management

The joint international symposium on Disaster Risk Management (DRM) was held on September 13, 2017, in Kyushu University, Fukuoka (Japan) in collaboration with the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), Japan Federation of Engineering Societies (JFES), and the WFEO Standing Technical Committee on Disaster ...

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Report of the 4th World Landslide Forum 2017

The 4th World Landslide Forum 2017

The 4th World Landslide Forum was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia from May 30th to June 2nd, 2017, with over 600 active participants from 51 countries – scientists, engineers, researchers, experts, politicians and other decision makers working in the area of landslide risk reduction. Among them, there were over 120 graduate students from Slovenia and other ...

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WFEO-CEIT is exploring new approaches for Earthquake Prediction with seismo-electromagnetic technologies

WFEO-CEIT is exploring new approaches for Earthquake Prediction with seismo-electromagnetic technologies

WFEO Standing Committee on Engineering for Innovative Technologies (WFEO-CEIT) is planning to launch an initiative for breaking through both scientific & engineering problem in earthquake prediction. To explore new approaches for earthquake prediction, WFEO-CEIT, working with the committee on Earthquake Observation from space of Seismological Society of China, hosted a workshop of Big Data and Seismo-ionospheric ...

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