Posts Tagged 'Engineers cooperation'

International Forum on Engineering Capacity Held in Beijing, China

International Forum on Engineering Capacity Held in Beijing, China

The International Forum on Engineering Capacity, held in Beijing from 21-23 November 2018 and hosted by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) was an important event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the World Federation of Engineering ...

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Celebrating WFEO 50th anniversary and membership of Myanmar Engineering Council and Myanmar Engineering Society

WFEO celebrated its 50th anniversary and the membership of its latest national member, the Myanmar Engineering Council and associate organization, Myanmar Engineering Society at a series of meetings and a gala dinner in Yangon, Myanmar , from 23 to 25 August 2018.
WFEO President Dr. Marlene Kanga visited the offices of Myanmar Engineering Council and met ...

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Workshop on Human and Artificial Intelligence during WIC2018 was successfully held in Tianjin, China

Workshop on Human and Artificial Intelligence during World Intelligence Congress WIC2018 was successfully held in Tianjin, China

The Workshop on Human and Artificial Intelligence was held on May 16th 2018 at the 2nd World Intelligence Congress (WIC2018), in Tianjin, China and was jointly organized by the Knowledge Society Division of United Nations Education ...

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WFEO 50th Anniversary celebrations at Ordem dos Engenheiros (OdE)

Dr Marlene Kanga and Ordem dos Engenheiros President Carlos Mineiro Aires during the symposium

Dr Marlene Kanga and Ordem dos Engenheiros President Carlos Mineiro Aires during the symposium

The WFEO National member of Portugal, Ordem dos Engenheiros (OdE), celebrated the WFEO 50th Anniversary with a Symposium on “The Portuguese Engineer in the world context”, ...

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WFEO presence at FIDIC Annual International Infrastructure Conference

WFEO presence at FIDIC Annual International Infrastructure Conference

President Elect Dr. Marlene Kanga was a keynote speaker at the FIDIC 2017 Annual International Infrastructure Conference which was held in Jakarta from 1-3 Oct 2017.

Dr. Kanga was part of a panel of speakers on “Resilient Infrastructure – What Constitutes Resilience” at the opening plenary session of the conference. The session was ...

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Report of UNESCO Engineering Report II Kick-Off Meeting

Report of UNESCO Engineering Report II Kick-Off Meeting

1. Overview

Last 26 and 27 September 2017, the UNESCO Engineering Report II Kick-Off Meeting was held in Beijing, China.

This meeting was organized by UNESCO and hosted by the International Centre for Engineering Education (ICEE) in Beijing. 32 formal participants came from UNESCO, ICEE, Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), WFEO, International Federation of ...

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3rd European Engineers Day in Vienna


For the third time the European Engineers’ Day was co-organised by the European Council of Engineering Chambers (ECEC), the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI) and the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE) together with the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE).

Opening by ECEC President and WFEO Executive Vice-President Črtomir Remec, ECCE ...</a></p><a class= Continue Reading →


The High Level Political Forum 2017: SDG Interactions, gender and the science-policy interface

The High Level Political Forum 2017: SDG Interactions, gender and the science-policy interface

This year’s High Level Political Forum (HLPF) at the United Nations was the first-ever in-depth review of selected Sustainable Development Goals: poverty, food and agriculture, health, gender, oceans, resilient infrastructure, and means of implementation.

The meeting, which took place between 10 and 19 ...

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