Posts Tagged 'Goal 14 – Oceans'

Briefing on the preparations for the sixth session of the UN Environment Assembly UNEA-6

This online and on site briefing took place on 6 December 2023 in Geneva. It was organized by the Geneva Environment Network and provided an update on the preparations for the sixth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6).

UNEA-6 will take place from 26 February to 1 March 2024, in Nairobi, Kenya.

The United ...

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WFEO Side event at UN HLPF 2022 – Utilizing Open Science Principles for Quality Engineering Education to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals

WFEO organized, with the support of UNESCO, the side event “Utilizing Open Science Principles for Quality Engineering Education to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals” during the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) on 6 July 2022.


The United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development ...

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WFEO-CDRM Side event at the UN STI Forum – Engineering Resilience in Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Development


The seventh annual Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (STI Forum) was held from 5 to 6 May 2022, convened by the President of UN ECOSOC. The theme of the STI Forum is closely aligned with the 2022 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development and is “Science, technology and innovation ...

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World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development 2021

WED2021 Introduction

The World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development was proclaimed by UNESCO at its 40th General Conference in 2019. It is celebrated worldwide on 4th March of each year since 2020. The day offers an opportunity to highlight engineers and engineering’s achievements in our modern world and improve public understanding of how engineering and ...

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The 5th Africa Engineering Week

Report of the 5th Africa Engineering Week

The Institution of Engineers Kenya in collaboration with the Federation of African Engineering Organisations (FAEO) hosted the African Engineering Conference in Mombasa, Kenya, between 17 and 21 September, with the support from UNESCO and guidance from the World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO).

The Theme of the Conference, “Harnessing Blue Economy for Accelerated Economic Growth”, is ...

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The High Level Political Forum 2017: SDG Interactions, gender and the science-policy interface

The High Level Political Forum 2017: SDG Interactions, gender and the science-policy interface

This year’s High Level Political Forum (HLPF) at the United Nations was the first-ever in-depth review of selected Sustainable Development Goals: poverty, food and agriculture, health, gender, oceans, resilient infrastructure, and means of implementation.

The meeting, which took place between 10 and 19 ...

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