Posts Tagged 'Solar Energy'

WFEO participation at the World Scientific and Engineering Congress – WSEC 2017

WFEO participation at the World Scientific and Engineering Congress - WSEC 2017
The World Scientific and Engineering Congress (WSEC 2017) took place during the EXPO 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan last 19-21 June. The theme of this congress was “Energy of the future: innovative scenarios and methods of their implementation”, dedicated to the overarching theme of ...

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World Future Energy Forum (WFEF) 2016 successfully held in Beijing


The World Future Energy Forum (WFEF) 2016 was convened by WFEO Committee on Energy in collaboration with Energy Internet Research Institute (EIRI), Tsinghua University on June 29, 2016 in Beijing, China, at the national conventional center. This event was co-organized by Chinese Society for Hydropower engineering (CSHE) and Hohai University, supported by Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.

Energy and development are important topics for all ...

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