Posts Tagged 'UNESCO'

WFEO presence at the International Engineering Education Forum

WFEO President and Vice Presidents attended International Engineering Education Forum

The International Engineering Education Forum on the Construction of Engineering Education and Engineering Capacity for the Future, hosted by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), Tsinghua University and the International Centre for Engineering Education (ICEE) of UNESCO was held in ...

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WFEO at the UN CSW61

WFEO at the UN CSW61

On March 13th 2017, the opening day of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at UN Headquarters in New York, WFEO participated in a high level forum organised by UNESCO on the importance of engineering and science in empowering women in a technology-led world of work. This was an important side event that occurred at the ...

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Report on FAEO Conference and 3rd UNESCO Africa Engineering Week


The 1st edition of the Federation of African Engineering Organisation’s conference tagged “African Engineering Conference on Energy” registered over 4,200 participants.

The Conference with theme “Adequate, Reliable and Sustainable Energy in Africa” was hosted by the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) in collaboration with FAEO and UNESCO. It took place in the city of Uyo, Nigeria from 21st to 25th November 2016.

The conference ...

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UNESCO WFEO COP-21 Summit article in Engineers Australia


See below an article on UNESCO WFEO COP-21 Summit held in Paris in December 2015 as written by Darrel Danyluk (Past President of Engineers Canada and Past-Chair of the WFEO Committee on Engineering and the Environment) and published in Engineers Australia magazine in February 2016.


Engineers will help turn COP 21 Agreement into Action

On Saturday December 12th, 2015 the global community came together in Paris and agreed ...

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