Posts Tagged 'WFEO Engineering 2030 Plan'

Report on the 46th UNIDO Industrial Development Board 2018

See below the report of WFEO President Elect Gong Ke, who attended the 46th board meeting of UNIDO in Vienna, Austria, from 26 to 28 November 2018.

The Industrial Development Board (IDB) comprises 53 members, elected for a four-year term on a rotational basis from all Member States. It reviews the implementation of the work programme, the regular and operational budgets, makes recommendations ...

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The UN SDGs and WFEO’s strategic approach to advancing these – Dr Marlene Kanga interview by Research Features

Opening the World Intelligence Congress, Tianjin, June 2017.

It could be argued that engineers have saved more lives than doctors; the work of civil engineers, for example, in ensuring clean water and sanitation, has eradicated diseases like cholera and typhoid in the developed world. Today, the 50-year-old World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) makes sure that the work of engineers is ...

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