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The 8th Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Symposium

The 8th Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Symposium was held from 22 to 24 May 2024 in Hong KongSAR of China. The Symposium was co-hosted by the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) and the ICAC of Hong Kong, SAR of China

Bringing together over 500 representatives of around 180 anti-corruption and related agencies from nearly 60 jurisdictions, including around 40 IAACA member authorities, this significant event provided a unique opportunity for anti-corruption experts around the globe to share best practices in the international anti-corruption arena, mapping out the path towards greater international cooperation in fighting corruption.

Announcing the declaration (available in this link) at the closing ceremony of the symposium, Hong Kong’s ICAC Commissioner Woo Ying-ming called on international counterparts to stand united in the mission to eradicate corruption and uphold the principles set out in the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).

Woo said that the Hong Kong declaration showcased the collective commitment of the members to combat corruption, calling on international counterparts to leverage the UNCAC to enhance collaboration in the prevention of and fight against corruption. He also emphasized the importance of adopting digital and financial forensics to tackle the increasing complexity of corruption crimes.

Eng. Papias Kazawadi, President of the Federation of African Engineering Organisations (FAEO) and past Chair of the WFEO Committee on Anti Corruption (CAC) addressed issues on Synergizing PPP (Public–Private Partnership) to combat Corruption in Infrastructure Development. His speech is available in this link.

Eng. Papias Kazawadi, President of FAEO
For more information:

WFEO Committee on Anti Corruption (CAC) website

Article “International graft busters jointly announce Hong Kong declaration”

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