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WFEO Category A Liaison with TC 309 Governance of Organizations continues to flourish and remains strong

The World Federation of Engineering Organizations is a Category A Liaison Organization of the International Standards Organization (ISO) Technical Committee (TC) 309 – Governance of Organizations. Representatives from WFEO have been nominated representatives to this Committee for several years.
TC309 has published a number of important standards including:

Standards due to publish by end of 2024:

  • ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-bribery management systems – Requirements with guidance for use: currently under limited revision. Draft for comment closed 29 April 2024, comments have been resolved. Due for publication in Q4 2024.
  • ISO 37003 Fraud Control Management Systems – Guidance for organizations responding to the risk of fraud: Draft for comment closed 8 April 2024.
  • ISO 37005 Selecting, Creating and Using Indicators: Guidance for Governing Bodies (WG1): Publication August 2024.

Standards currently under development:

  • ISO 37009 Conflicts of interest – Guidelines: Ballot for approval closes 7 November 2024.
  • ISO 37011 Purpose Driven Organizations – Guidance: approved for development in WG1.
  • ISO 37200 Guidance for the prevention, identification and response to human trafficking, forced labour, and modern slavery: under development in WG10.
  • ISO 37201 Management systems to prevent and combat violence against women in organizations — Requirements with guidance for use: approved for development.
  • ISO 37302 Compliance management – Evaluation of effectiveness: Draft for comment closed 26 August 2024.
  • ISO 37303 Compliance management – Competence management and personnel development: Draft for comment closed 26 August 2024.
  • ISO 37401 Diversity management systems – Requirements with guidance for use: Approved February 2024, under development in WG11.

Standards awaiting development approval:

  • ISO 37014 Governance of organizations – Governance maturity for groups of organizations – Guidance under new work item ballot closing 21 September 2024.
  • ISO 37304 Compliance management systems – Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of compliance management systems, under new work item ballot closing 25 September 2024.
  • Preliminary work approved on ISO 37010 Governance of organizations – General principles for ESG disclosure (AHG6)

The annual TC 309 plenary meetings will take place from 3 to 8 November in Shenzhen, China. The full annual activity report of TC 309 is available in this link.
Article by Dr Marlene Kanga AO FTSE FREng, Former WFEO President, 2017-2019
For more information:

ISO Technical Committee (TC) 309 full annual activity report

ISO Technical Committee (TC) 309 – Governance of Organizations webpage

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