A webinar on how WFEO representatives of National and Affiliate members can nominate and participate in ISO Technical Committees was held on 22 November 2023.
The webinar was introduced by Mustafa Shehu, WFEO President.
Dr. Marlene Kanga, WFEO Past President and current ISO TC197 Member, and Standards Australia’s Board Member, gave an overview of ISO’s structure, governance and functioning and how WFEO representatives can participate.
WFEO has been active in ISO Technical Committees for many years, but has significantly increased its presence by achieving liaison status in many TCs since 2021.
A dozen new representatives nominated by our member institutions have already been appointed since the beginning of 2022, and the Federation intends to keep developing this participation, in order to bring the engineers’ expertise to a greater range of standardization topics.
The webinar is of special interest for recently appointed WFEO representatives in ISO Technical Committees, and for any member who may consider nominating representatives, or would like to propose applying for a new TC liaison status.
The video recording is available by clicking on the following image.
For more information: