The International Center for Creativity and Sustainable Development (ICCSD) organized an online event “Creativity 2030 Forum” in May 8 to conduct discussions in response to the unprecedented common challenge posted by COVID-19 from perspectives of public health policy, urban planning, application of science and technology, community building, environmental protection and global governance.
Prof. Dr. Hans d’Orville, Chairman of Advisory Committee of ICCSD, former Assistant Director-General for Strategic Planning of UNESCO, Prof. Mehri Madarshahi, President, Global Cultural Networks, Dr. Li Xinyu, Vice President of China International Council for the Promotion of Multinational Corporations, Mr. Michael Mitchell, CEO of MCM International Group among other 20 participants attended the forum.
During this event, experts and scholars shared topics such as international cooperation and economic outlook after the pandemic, ideal urban systems, COVID-19 and the world beyond, community governance, smart cities and circular economy, cultural industry, city branding, and industrial-urban integration etc.
WFEO President Prof. GONG Ke attended the forum under the theme “Urban Governance after Pandemic”, echoing the SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities, and SDG 17 Partners for Goals, for a healthier and safer living environment in the future.
Prof. GONG Ke analyzed the challenges laid bare by the pandemic in ours cities in his speech “Rethink of the Entry Point of Urban and Peri-urban Development after the Pandemic”.
He stressed the importance of using the lever of Science and Technology to urban development as an entry point to accelerate the sustainable development. He pointed out “with people centric governance and planning and key interventions as ICT Infrastructure, standards and regulations, and technology like big data and artificial intelligence, cities can be resilient to public health crisis among many others.
ICCSD was approved at the 38th UNESCO General Conference in November 2015 and was established in Beijing. It is the world’s first UNESCO Category 2 center with the theme of “Creativity and Sustainable Development”. With the support of UNESCO, it carries out research, training, and communications to promote cultural exchanges.
For more information:
ICCSD website
Creativity 2030 Forum in the China Radio International website (in Chinese)