There is an increasing pressure, need and opportunity to shape an economic recovery from COVID-19 which will be based on climate-related actions.
According to the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the recovery must respect the rights of future generations, enhancing climate action aiming at carbon neutrality by 2050 and protecting biodiversity. “We will need to ‘build-back-better’ and maintain the momentum of international cooperation, with human rights at the centre,” he said.
As many stakeholders are now reflecting upon a “build-back-better” strategy after the COVID-19 crisis, and in the context of the World Environment Day celebrated on 5 June, WFEO issued a statement on economic recovery and climate change entitled “WFEO position to the build-back-better call for arms”, co-signed by WFEO President Gong Ke and the Chair of the WFEO Committee of Engineering and the Environment, Davide Stronati, that you can find in this link.