WFEO participation at the 9th Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Forum for the SDGs 2024
UN 4th Global Conference on Climate and SDG Synergies
WFEO co-hosts side event with International Science Council at UN STI Forum
WFEO Participates in the first Africa Day at the UN Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Forum
WFEO-ISC Side-Event at UN 2023 Water Conference
WFEO participation at the 7th STI Forum for the Sustainable Development Goals
WFEO Webinar: HLPF 2021 – Deploying Global Youth Capacity in UN Policy and Engineering for SDG 13
UN Expert Group Meeting for 2021 HLPF
STI Forum 2021 Side Event “Engineering – Bridging the Gap for a Sustainable and Resilient Recovery”
Stakeholder Online Briefing of the STI Forum on Sustainable Development
Report on WFEO side event of HLPF 2020
WFEO-WGIC-UNGGIM White paper: Geospatial Engg Sustainable Development
WFEO participation in the 63rd IAEA General Conference
WFEO Participation at the UN High Level Political Forum – HLPF 2019
WFEO participation in UN STI Forum 2019
Report on the Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs
Report of the 30th UN Water meeting
Report on the 46th UNIDO Industrial Development Board 2018
WFEO participation in the 62nd IAEA General Conference
WFEO Participation at the UN High Level Political Forum – HLPF 2018
Report on Multistakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs
ECOSOC Partnership Forum 2018 report by William Kelly
Report of the Global SDG 7 Conference on Energy
Report on the UNOG Director-General’s Meeting with NGOs
Report of the Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum
- UN High Level Political Forum - 10-19 July 2017
WFEO and the American Association of Engineering Societies (AAES) worked closely at both events with the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Council for Social Sciences (ISSC), its partners in the Science and Technology Major Group (STC)
WURC supported preparation of the STC inputs, prepared and presented an STC display, shared with ICSU and ISSC the duties of representing the STC at the thematic reviews and the voluntary national reviews. Reginald Vachon and Bill Kelly, members of WURC, participated in the meeting of the 2019 Global Sustainable Development Report Committee. Eng. Ruomei Li, member of WURC and national member of WFEO Executive Council, attended the 2017 HLPF.
For more informaton:
The High Level Political Forum 2017: SDG Interactions, gender and the science-policy interface
Scientific and Technological Community Major Group webpage
Reginald Vachon representing STC Major Group at one of the Voluntary National Review sessions, at the HLPF, UN HQ in New-York, July 2017
WFEO ICSU ISSC Banner with Bill Kelly of WFEO, Lucilla Spini of ICSU, Reggie Vachon of WFEO and Ione Anderson of Inter-America Institute for Global Change Research - UN Multi-Stakeholder STI Forum: Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies - 15 May 2017
WURC conducted with ICSU and ISSC a side event; “Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements” at the Second Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Forum on 15 May 2017.
This event was attended by many young professionals and all seats were occupied. It facilitated dialogue among policy-makers, stakeholders and leading engineers and scientists on co designing and building fit- for-purpose STI enabled smart city systems in support of SDGs implementation It address: best practices in co-designing systems with those most in need of help (the most vulnerable and marginalized); prioritizing system needs for these communities; and changing conceptions of smart and resilient city development, particularly in developing countries.
Important other issues to be discussed include how the engineering and science community can support decision-makers and help build capacity in developing countries for integrating information and communication technology (ICT) into resilient and sustainable urban systems. Topics: ICT Improves City Resilience, Working with the ICT Industry, Social Aspects of Smart Cities and Physics of Smart Cities.
For more informaton:
WFEO Side event in the UN Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation
- UN Commission on the Status of Women 2017 - CSW61 - 13-24 March 2017
WURC assisted the WFEO Committee on Women in Engineering (WIE) to attend the UN 60th and 61st Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the UN HQ in 2016 and 2017.
The CSW meetings are the UN’s largest inter-governmental meeting to focus on its impact on women and girls. The meetings are crucial to progressing Goal 5 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving the 2030 Agenda.
For more informaton:
- UN Commission on the Status of Women 2016 - CSW60 - 14-24 March 2016
WURC assisted the WFEO Committee on Women in Engineering (WIE) to attend the UN 60th and 61st Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the UN HQ in 2016 and 2017.
The CSW meetings are the UN’s largest inter-governmental meeting to focus on its impact on women and girls. The meetings are crucial to progressing Goal 5 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving the 2030 Agenda.
For more informaton:
- International Congress on Advances on Nuclear Power Plants - 4 May 2015
WURC participates or monitors sustainable development activities globally. A sustainability declaration signed on May 4, 2015 by 39 nuclear societies (50,000 scientists/36 countries) at ICAPP (International Congress on Advances on Nuclear Power Plants) is presented as follows: “We proudly believe that nuclear energy is a key part of the solution in the fight against climate change”.
Development Goals (OWG on SDGs) relative to recommendations on energy are the topic of the brief. WURC participated in the UN General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development relative to energy. The recommendations on energy were compiled from three civil society consultations conducted by UN-NGLS from 2012- 2013. It was advocated that governments must promote development and energy generation that does not result in dangerous byproducts with the capacity to trigger global-level destruction. Recommendations are presented below, organized according to the following five objectives:
- Achieving universal energy access;
- Ensuring clean, safe, and locally appropriate energy generation;
- Advancing energy efficiency;
- Enabling effective financing for energy;
- Establishing the roles of stakeholders.
WFEO advocated nuclear energy as clean source of energy for inclusion in Policy Brief #2.-: “We proudly believe that nuclear energy is a key part of the solution in the fight against climate change”.
A sustainability declaration signed on May 4, 2015 by 39 nuclear societies (50,000 scientists/36 countries) at ICAPP is presented as follows: “We proudly believe that nuclear energy is a key part of the solution in the fight against climate change”.For more information:
- UNFCCC and Other Meetings on Climate Change - 2014 to 2017
WURC interacts with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UN-CSD). The focus is discussion and work around engineering, climate change and sustainable development.
- UNFCCC Conference of the Parties Meeting No. 20 (COP-20) – Lima, – Dec 1-12, 2014
Ten participants from the Colegio of Peruvian Engineers organized through the CEE Chair and supported by the CEE Secretary attended on behalf of WFEO and the CEE. - United Nations Climate Change Conference – Geneva, Switzerland – Feb 8-13, 2015
This meeting of the UNFCCC Ad Hoc Working Group Durban Platform on Capacity-Building was attended by
D. Favrat and Y. Ramos of Switzerland. A report is in preparation. - World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Climate Observation Services (GCOS) Workshop on February 10-12, 2015, in Bonn, Germany was attended by Eng. Danyluk, WURC member by invitation. WMO and WFEO have a Memorandum of Understanding.
- COP-21 Paris, December 2015, WFEO had a delegation (8) during each of the 2 weeks, and held a successful off-site event co-wrote and issued a declaration supported by WFEO HQ staff. that was jointly signed by WFEO President Jorge Spitalnik and Chair Danyluk.
- Inter-sessional negotiations UNFCCC Conference Centre Bonn May/June 2016. (3 delegates) WFEO had a display booth, held a side event, and daily meetings with attending engineers. A verbal report was tabled at the WFEO CEE meeting.
- COP-22, Marrakesh Morocco, December 2016, Delegation included 2 from Canada and several from Morocco. Report posted on WFEO webpage.
- Inter-sessional negotiations UNFCCC Conference Centre Bonn, May 2017 (2 delegates), WFEO had a display booth, attended for 2 weeks, and held a mini side event.
- COP-23, Hosted by Fiji, held at UNFCCC conference Centre in Bonn, November 2017. 3 WFEO delegates including 1 FIDIC representative. A side event on the Future Climate – Engineering Solutions initiative (an update) was held as part of the British Pavilion program. FC-ES is another arm of CEE, led by the Institute of Civil Engineers UK, Paul Jowitt is the link.
For more informaton:
WFEO holds a side event at the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference in May 2017
COP 22 Report – Outcomes of the U.N. Climate Change Conference
Meeting Summary for UNFCCC SB44 Bonn Meeting, May 2016
WFEO Statement for UNFCCC SB44 Bonn Meeting, May 2016
UNESCO WFEO COP-21 Summit article in Engineers Australia
WFEO and the COP21 Agreement, by Jorge Spitalnik, WFEO Past President, December 2015
Summary report by CIP Peru of attendance at the COP 20, December 2014
- UNFCCC Conference of the Parties Meeting No. 20 (COP-20) – Lima, – Dec 1-12, 2014
- Sustainable Development Goals for People and the Planet - March 2013
The Scientific & Technological Major Group’s vision & priorities for the Sustainable Development Goals and the post-2015 development agenda. A position paper for the programme: “Post 2 Post: Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement in the Post-Rio+20/Post-2015 Process”.
WURC participated in the position paper on the vision and priorities of ICSU, WFEO and ISSC – including themes, targets and indicators – for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), wider post-2015 development agenda and High Level Political Forum (HLPF).
This paper considers the following:- WURC has stressed the role of nuclear energy to protect the environment through its statement for NGLS Policy Statement #2
- WURC has established a WFEO process and representation to participate in the UN Summit to Adopt Post -2015 Development Agenda
- WURC is active with UN agencies, World Bank, ICSU and ISSC as a member of the STC Major Group
For more informaton:
Sustainable Development Goals for People and the Planet, 13 March 2013
- UN CSTD 2013 - 2014 Inter-sessional Panel - 2-4 December 2013
The Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) is a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
The Commission provides the General Assembly and ECOSOC with high-level advice on relevant science and technology issues.
UNCTAD is responsible for the substantive servicing of the Commission.
WURC participated in the themes discussed at the CSTD 2013-2014 Panel which were:
- Science, Technology and Innovation for the MDGs and the Post-2015 Development Agenda. WURC Chair made a presentation on country cases.
- ICTs for inclusive social and economic development
- WSIS follow-up, including WSIS+10 and preparations for the 17th session of the CSTD
- WSIS+10 preparations and Internet Governance Forum (IGF) stocktaking for the 17th session of the CSTD
- WURC Chair Reginald Vachon participated and discussed the necessity to increase internet capability in the Americas
For more informaton:
- High-Level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Urbanization - 16-18 December 2013
WURC participated in the High-Level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Urbanization convened by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs through its Division for Sustainable Development (DSD/DESA) in collaboration with the Municipal Government of Yangzhou, 16-18 December 2013 in Yangzhou, China.
For more informaton:
High-Level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Urbanisation
History of activities by WFEO Committee on Energy prior to WURC activities
WURC has made great progress with the UN based on Eng. Jorge Spitalnik laying the foundation as the first WFEO representative at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development in the last decade and thereon at the Rio+20 Conference that led to the creation of the HLPF.
RIO+20 Summit Conference
WFEO had an active participation at the Rio+20 Conference allowing the contribution of the Engineering community to sustainable development deliberations in the position of an important stakeholder.
[/vc_column_text]United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD)
The CSD met annually in New York, in two-year cycles, with each cycle focusing on clusters of specific thematic and cross-sectoral issues, outlined in its new multi-year programme of work (2003-2017).
The CSD opened its sessions to broad participation from both governmental and non-governmental actors and supported a number of innovative activities, such as the Partnerships Fair, the Learning Centre and a series of panels, roundtables and side events. The High-level segment featured dialogue among Ministers, and Ministers also held a special dialogue session with Major Groups.
The WFEO Committee on Energy represented WFEO at the following meetings of CSD held at the UN Headquarters in New York:
- CSD-14 Session, 1 – 12 May 2006
- Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting (IPM), 25 February – 2 March 2007
- CSD-15 Session, 30 April – 11 May 2007
- CSD-16 Session, 5 – 16 May 2008
- Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting (IPM), 23 to 27 February 2009
- CSD -17 Session, 4 – 15 May 2009
- CSD -18 Session, 3 – 14 May 2010
- Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting (IPM), 28 February – 4 March 2011
- CSD -19 Session, 2 – 13 May 2011

Scientific and Technological Community Major Group
The first three meetings in 2006-07 focused on issues related to Energy for Sustainable Development; Industrial Development; Air pollution/Atmosphere, and Climate Change; those in 2008-09 to Agriculture, Rural Development, Land, Drought, Desertification, and Africa, and those in 2010-11 to Sustainable Consumption and Production, Transport, Chemicals, Waste Management, and Mining.
At the request of the UNCSD Secretariat, the Committee contributed the WFEO position on several issues for the preparation of the UN Secretary General’s Report to CSD-15, CSD-16, CSD-17, CSD-18 and CSD-19. Also, the WFEO delegation produced together with ICSU, discussion papers for each of such meetings stating the positions of the Scientific and Technological Community on the issues under discussion. The Scientific and Technological Community, made up by WFEO and ICSU, is one of the Major Groups of Civil Society recognized by the U.N. system.
At CSD-17, the Energy Committee co-sponsored, together with the Engineering and Environment and the Capacity Building Committees, the side event on “Capacity Building: Words Into Action” to discuss issues on physical, social & economic infrastructure related to Agriculture, Rural development and Land. This event was held on 6 May 2009 and engaged 71 delegates and members of major groups from more than 20 countries who considered perspectives on effective capacity building actions to deal with such issues.
On the occasion of CSD-18, WFEO held a side event on “Transport Efficiency and Waste Avoidance – Input for Policy-Makers”. This event that took place on May 4, 2010 was organized by the WFEO Standing Committees on Energy (CE), Engineering and Environment (CEE) and Capacity Building (CCB).
At CSD-19, these Standing Committees organized on May 6, 2011 a WFEO side event on “State-of-the-art, Innovative and Sustainable Technologies in Waste Management, Mining, Transport and Chemicals”.
The position sustained by the WFEO delegation has been to provide the technical expertise required for searching feasible solutions on issues under discussion and to stress the need for serious observance of scientific principles and engineering criteria when proposing actions on sustainability and development matters.
The Committee on Energy was responsible for organizing the WFEO participation at the Innovation Fair held during the Ministerial ECOSOC Session, from 30 June to 3 July 2008, at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
This was done with the collaboration of the Committee on Engineering and Environment. The WFEO Exhibit displayed projects sponsored respectively by Engineers Canada and FEBRAE (Brazil). Also, on July 1st 2008, WFEO, Engineers Canada, FEBRAE and CONFEA, with the support of AIChE, ASCE and ASME, held, as a side event, a Panel on “The Role of Engineers in Advancing Sustainable Development: Working Towards Achieving the Millennium Goals”.
The Energy Committee was also engaged in implementing the WFEO participation at the 2009 ECOSOC Innovation Fair to global public health. The Fair was held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 6 to 9 July 2009.