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Women showcase innovations in science and technology to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Malaysia

Women showcase Innovations in Science and Technology to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Malaysia

Women engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from more than 30 countries in Asia and Africa, came together at the 3rd International ISTIC UNESCO Conference on “Women in Science, Technology & Innovation: Innovative Solutions by Women for the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030”, held in Malaysia from 15-16 May 2017.

Speakers and Panellists at the 3rd International UNESCO ISTIC Conference on Women Engineers and Scientists

Speakers and Panellists at the 3rd International UNESCO ISTIC Conference on Women Engineers and Scientists


This biennial conference was hosted by the UNESCO International Science, Technology and Innovation Centre (ISTIC) and attracted inspiring leaders from Australia, Bangladesh, Botswana, Cambodia, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Myanmar, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Thailand, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Yemen and Zimbabwe.

Dr. Marlene Kanga WFEO President Elect speaks at UNESCO ISTIC Conference

Dr. Marlene Kanga WFEO President Elect speaks at UNESCO ISTIC Conference


The importance of this event was highlighted by the joint opening by the Secretary-General, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Malaysia representing the Minister and the Director of the Division of Gender Equality of UNESCO, Dr. Gulser Corat, who represented the Director-General of UNESCO.

Dato Lee Yee Cheong, past President of WFEO and Honorary Chair UNESCO ISTIC, speaks at the UNESCO ISTIC Panel Discussion

Dato Lee Yee Cheong, past President of WFEO and Honorary Chair UNESCO ISTIC, speaks at the UNESCO ISTIC Panel Discussion


The conference speakers addressed the role of women in developing innovative solutions to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals in their own contexts and cultures in areas including education, health, use of technology to empower women and youth.

The panel discussions including women entrepreneurs in technology as well as social entrepreneurs who addressed the empowerment of women through technology and leadership. The conference concluded with the presence of Malaysia’s Minister for Women and a declaration on the issues that need to be addressed to achieve the sustainable development goals.

Report by Dr. Marlene Kanga


Video Message by UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova


For more information:

  ISTIC Conference webpage

  Dr. Marlene Kanga Keynote presentation “Engineering_and_Technology”

  The Sustainable Development Goals webpage

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