The purpose of the Working Group on Engineering and Climate Change is to provide a focus of activities relating to the issue of Climate Change and in particular to advance the UN Sustainable Goal No. 13 (Climate action).
This group was proposed and approved by the WFEO Executive Board in the Madrid meeting on March 1st, 2023. The WG’s role is designed as a transverse one, coordinating and helping to harmonise all the work being done by various WFEO STCs and WGs with relation to climate change.
Objectives and focus
The purpose of the Working Group on Engineering and Climate Change is to advance engineering solutions and partnerships that contribute to climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience. The project will be funded and staffed by Institution of Civil Engineers in the United Kingdom.
The WG will be a transverse one, coordinating and helping to harmonise all the work being done by various WFEO committees or working groups. For this reason, it will be placed under the authority of will work in close relation with the Executive Board.
The objectives of the Working Group are as follows:
- To coordinate efforts of all WFEO committees on climate change and find platforms to showcase these efforts.
- To advance awareness of best practice in climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience, which could be through showcasing decarbonisation and/or climate resilience efforts of engineering projects and in the engineering profession.
- To assist in the advancement of guidance tools and standards for decarbonisation, climate adaptation and resilience, through global expert advice to existing projects.
- Raise awareness of WFEO’s work on and commitment to address climate change.