From 8 to 11 April 2019, engineers from all over the world gathered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, for the World Construction Forum 2019 – WCF 2019 – , which was organized by the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers and the Faculty of Civil and geodetic Engineering of University of Ljubljana (UL FGG) in partnership with World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO) and under patronage of UNESCO and his excellency, Mr Borut Pahor, the president of the Republic of Slovenia.
After two days of interesting lectures and acceptance of the Ljubljana declaration, the forum concluded with a Gala Dinner, where Slovenian Chamber of Engineers presented two awards for innovation on the field of construction.
WCF 2019 in numbers
In two days, 700 participants from 51 countries and five continents visited World Construction Forum, attending 109 lectures and listening to four keynote lectures at the forum opening, given by prof. Peter Fajfar from Slovenia, prof. Antonia Moropoulou from Greece, prof. Jinxiu Yan from China and dr. Mark Coleman from Great Britain. All lectures were greeted with great response from attendees, gathered in Cankarjev dom, where WCF 2019 took place.
e-WCF – Digital video lectures available for public
We have enabled the legacy of WCF 2019 to live on on the internet. All the lectures are available for free on forum’s website in this page. Live videos and abstracts of the lectures can be found on the forum’s website.
Ljubljana declaration 2019 on the Construction until 2030
The final act of WCF 2019 was the acceptance of the Ljubljana declaration , which was prepared with the goal of contributing to the UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030. All the shareholders contributed to the drafting process of declaration and we are confident that it will help with achieving a goal for sustainable and green development of the world.
For more information
The Ljubljana Declaration on Construction Resilience
WCF 2019 Photo gallery
WCF 2019 Website
WCF 2019 Video lectures
WCF 2019 Presentation